ATEPAN is a peer-reviewed journal of professional
Teacher Education in Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). It is regularly published bi-annually in
English by the Nigerian Association of Teachers of Technology. The Editorial Board of
ATEPAN invites articles of relevant to the scope of this journal for publication.
Contributors are requested to observe the following before submission:
Manuscripts should be original, and has not been published previously. Do not submit
material that is currently being submitted to another journal.
Manuscripts should be in MS Word 2003-2007 format and Times new Roman font size
12, submitted electronically either directly at the Association’s website or as email
attachments to the Editor-In-Chief at
Manuscripts should be either short papers of less than 3000 words or full-length papers
of 3,000-7,000 words, including the cover sheet, an abstract, texts, tables, footnotes,
appendixes, and references.
The cover sheet should contain ONLY the title of the paper not exceeding 20 words as
well as author(s) names written in full as first name first and surname last, heir
affiliations and email, telephone/fax contacts of the corresponding author.
The title of the paper should be on the first page not exceeding 20 words, and should be
followed by an abstract of not more than 300 words. 3-5 keywords or key phrases are
The paper format should be organised in the following order: Introduction, Statement of
the Problem, Purpose of the Study, Research Questions, Methodology/Materials and
Methods, Results, Major Findings, Discussions, Conclusion, Recommendations,
References and Appendices (if any).
All figures and tables should be presented with appropriate chronological number labels
and in sentence case. Research questions or hypotheses should not be restated under this
In-text citations and References should adhere strictly to the latest American
Psychological Association style (APA 7th edition). Upon request, authors can obtain
FREE electronic copies of the latest APA User guides either directly at the Association’s
website, or as an
email attachment from the Editor-In-Chief
Authors of the articles being accepted with clear understanding that copyrights are
transferred to the Technology Education Practitioners Association of Nigeria (TEPAN)
and as permitted under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial NoDerivative License
4.0. However, authors shall be held responsible if the copyright of
other authors or some experimental ethics are violated.
Article can be submitted anytime of the year, hence they are reviewed as received in
continuum and feedback sent to authors promptly. After the review process and subject
to meeting the Terms of Acceptance, articles will be published immediately in the next
issue of the journal.
All suggestions and complains should be sent electronically either directly to the
Association's website at
or as an email attachment to the
Editor-In-Chief at